PBS Thai travels to Pakistan to see the remains of Buddhist sites, and the sculptures now in the museums, they also meet a Thai monk who decided to spend his Rains Retreat in Gandhara.
Ajahn Punnadhammo, 08 Buddhism in Thailand
Ajahn Punnadhammo, 07 Burmese Buddhism
Ajahn Punnadhammo, 06 Theravada in Sri Lanka
Ajahn Punnadhammo, 05 Points of Controversy
Ajahn Punnadhammo, 04 King Asoka and the 3rd Buddhist Council

Ajahn discusses King Asoka’s rise to power, and holding of the 3rd council, before sending out missionaries to the outlying countries.
Ajahn Punnadhammo, 03 the 18 Schools of Buddhism

Ajahn talks about the initial and later splits of Buddhism into the various schools, and what their ideas were.