Tōshōji Soto Zen Monastery
The life and activities in the Tōshōji Soto Zen Monastery in Okayama Prefecture in Japan (Japanese with Eng. subs)
John Guy, Identifying Jainism in Indian Art
The curator John Guy gives us an overview of Jaina artworks and how to distinguish them from other traditions.
Bopearachchi, Spread of Gandhāra Art
Bopearachchi, Convergence of Hellenism and Buddhism
Dorothy Wong, Making Merit
A talk by Prof. Dorothy C Wong on Xuan Zang and Wu Zhou and the emergence of mass production in medieval China.
The Rights of Nature, A Global Movement
This award-winning film explores a new movement to give legal rights and redress to the natural world.
Eating our way to Extinction
This film explains how we are currently heading for disaster as a species, and the ways we can change that.
Come, Come, Come Upward (Aje Aje Bara Aje)
A Korean film about a young woman who joins a nunnery and later returns to lay life, bringing Dharma into the lives of those she meets (Korean with Eng subs).