Cave People of the Himalaya

A return to the cave temples of Mustang in Nepal to understand more about the earliest inhabitants of the region, their culture and history.
Secrets of Shangri-La: Quest for Sacred Caves

Second of three documentary films exploring the cave temples found in Mustang, turning up long lost paintings and artefacts from the caves, including thousands of manuscripts and ancient burial remains.
Lost Cave Temples of the Himalaya

First of three documentary films exploring the cave temples found in Mustang, turning up long lost paintings and artifacts from the caves, including thousands of manuscripts and ancient burial remains.
Discovering Oneself with a Bowl of Temple Food
Tōshōji Soto Zen Monastery

The life and activities in the Tōshōji Soto Zen Monastery in Okayama Prefecture in Japan (Japanese with Eng. subs)
John Guy, Identifying Jainism in Indian Art

The curator John Guy gives us an overview of Jaina artworks and how to distinguish them from other traditions.