Webu Sayadaw was one of the most reputed monks in Burma (Myanmar) in the 20th century, and many people believe he had attained Arahatship, as is mentioned in this film.
As it says in the title the documentary is an anthology of material by and about Sayadaw, and the compilers have done a good job of assembling rare videos, photos, writings and audio recordings of the great monk.
The material has been organised into several sections, starting with a short biography, describing his own practice and teaching on mindfulness of breathing, people’s personal experience with the teaching and his travels abroad to Sri Lanka and India.
There is also a section, which is a true anthology of material that perhaps didn’t fit in elsewhere, and something about the continuation of the tradition by his disciples.
Throughout the film there seems to be an emphasis of stressing that the teaching fits in with the rather different traditions of U Ba Khin and S N Goenka, and that they were closely connected, and so we see rare photos and footage of these teachers also.
The film was made as a gift for Sayadaw Mandala, who now heads one of the great Sayadaw’s monasteries, and interviews with U Mandala punctuate the film.
There are ample quotes from Webu Sayadaw talks and writings, and in the screenshots on the Facebook page I have collected most of these for your further reflection.
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to see an album of stills click here
Thank you for posting our video here so that many more can see and benefit from this inspiring story, and by a monk who is so worthy of respect. Please see our blog (http://burmadhamma.blogspot.com/) to learn more such Burmese stories, and this year we will be releasing a dana book on Burmese Buddhism to help foreign yogis engage in the practice when coming to Myanmar.
Dear Sir,
Thanks for posting, Really its very good information and i inspiring him, this generation to know more about historically how spared Buddhism, sadhu sadhu sadhu
Mohanraj, Kanchipuram, Tamilnadu, India
thanks for Webu Sayadaw’s documentary.