As we have shown many times in this series, water is being turned into a commodity, and along with it, the poor are suffering, because without water there is no way for life to continue.
This film traces the attempts at the financialization of water, particularly in the UK, US and Australia, which are the most advanced in this field. We meet some of the people behind the movement, and hear their reasoning.
As always the rich can always come up with good reasons why the poor should pay, while knowing all along it will lead, not to a better allocation of resources, but to speculation they can profit from.
Fortunately people are fighting back and we see some of the victories that human rights activists have managed to achieve, and how the financialization of water markets has, for now, been stopped in its tracks.
But be assured vultures are always vultures, and they hang around waiting for their moment to take the pickings, only constant vigilance will keep them at bay. And we must have the same outlook with the water vultures, so well shown up in this film,
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