This is a wonderful story of a journey undertaken in 2014 by 11 nuns from a nunnery in Zanskar, together with two lay helpers and their sponsor, on a four-month trip all round India, truly a journey of a lifetime.
They go to Gujarat on the west of the country, the Keralan backwaters and Kanyakumari in the south, across the ocean to the Andamans, and back through Kolkata, Bhutan and Nepal before returning to their nunnery.
Their sponsor was also the filmmaker, Caroline Reigel, who first met the nuns years earlier, and has been working with them, and trying to help improve their situation for a while.
While they were away from the nunnery we see that they have also managed to start a small school for the novice nuns, so they will have the education they need without having to go to the city for it.
Throughout the journey, which must have been very difficult given the adanced age of some of the group, there are no arguments, no falling out, and everyone works together for the good of the group. Truly a lesson in spiritual living for all of us.
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