This is a film about the American-born zen monk Hyon Gak sunim who teaches in the Korean tradition. He is the current abbot of Bulyee Seon Center in Germany, and teaches especially in Germany and Greece.
The film, which is now updated, is around 22 minutes, contains no narration, but rather simply captures on film some of the moments in his life, as he goes about his daily business. Despite the title it seems this wasn’t made in one day, but over a period of days.
The film is made in a rich monochrome by Christine Schmitthenner, and she classifies it as experimental, presumably because of its format, trying to get the essence of the subject across, without the use of words.
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What Sees This?
I have now added in a second shorter film in a very similar vein, this time from the Zen Center Regensburg, where Hyon Gak sunim in now abbot. It focuses on a retreat during 2017/8 and is also monochrome and non-verbal in format.
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