A look at the continuation of the traditions of India’s great monastic learning centres in the Vajrayana by one of India’s leading cultural historians.
America before Columbus (the Columbian Exchange)

A pair of films that look at the ecological state of the Old World and the New World before Columbus sailed to the Americas, and again what the impact was after they had made contact
Ancient Buddhist Sites in Sri Lanka (BDI)
The Cross and the Bodhi Tree
Borobudur, Pathway to Enlightenment
The Chinese Emperor’s Secret Garden

The restoration of one section of the Forbidden City in Beijing by teams of craftsmen and women and international experts.
Ballad of Lan Huahua played by Yu Hongmei
Palace Museum in Taipei: How Chinese National Treasures were moved to Taiwan

A look at how over half a million national art treasures were removed for preservation from China to Taiwan during the communist takeover.
Secret Tribes: Bhikkhunis in Thailand

A positive look at the current state of bhikkhunis in Thailand with interviews with Ven Dhammananda and other nuns.