Ritual in Contemplation, Text and Tools in Tantric Buddhism
Mystic Tibet with Lama Zopa Rinpoche

A record of a pilgrimage to Tibet by Lama Zopa Rinpoche and 50+ of his students from all round the world in or around 2006.
Windscale, Britains Biggest Nuclear Disaster

A remarkable film tracing the people and events that led up to the first real nuclear accident in history.
Cold Mountain, Chinese Poet of the Tang Dynasty

An appreciation of the Chinese Tang Dynasty era poet Han Shan (Cold Mountain) by some of his finest American translators.
Webu Sayadaw: Anthology of a Noble One

An anthology of material by and about Webu Sayadaw with rare video, photos, writings and audio recordings of the great monk.
Albert Von Le Coq, Adventure in Turpan

The explorations made in the Turpan area of Xinjiang by the German Archeologist Albert Von Le Coq at the beginning of the 20th century (mainly English, with some subtitles).
China, West meets East at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

A look at the aesthetics and history of China through the collections at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.
Marc Aurel Stein, Treasure buried in the Sands

An account of the various expeditions led by the great Hungarian explorer Aurel Stein in Central Asia, which were significant for Buddhist history (mainly English, with some subtitles).