This sensitive 2003 film by Kim Ki-duk from South Korea is set around the changing seasons, both of nature and of man, as they play out in a hermitage in a remote and beautiful part of the country (Korean, with English subtitles).
Nectar in Stone (Cham and Khmer civilisations)

A fast-moving documentary looking at the effect Indian civilisation has had on the Cham and Khmer cultures.
Paintings by Zhang Daqian (Chang Dai-chien)

Zhang Daqian was a real virtuoso artist who seemed to be at home in landscape, flower and portrait painting, as well as being a master at replicas of ancient works.
China Archives of World Heritage 5: Mogao Grottoes at Dunhuang
Shangri-la by Michael Wood

A journey through India, Nepal and Tibet with historian Michael Wood in search of the ancient kingdom of Shangri-la
Inside Tibet in the 1940s

A fascinating glimpse of a 1942-3 mission that took color footage of a Tibet that was to all intents and purposes still closed to the outside world.
Archives of the Planet: Far East Expeditions to Empires

Films and photographs from the world of the East at the beginning of the 20th century standing on the brink of momentous change.
Spectacular Buddhist India

Extracts from a series of films looking at the various forms of Vajrayana Buddhism which are spread all along the trans-Himalaya regions of northern India
At the Edge of the World

This is a film by Dan Stone about the anti-whaling activities of the Sea Shepard Conservation Society on their voyage to the Antartic to disrupt the Japanese scientific whaling run.