This documentary from CCTV Channel 9 gives within a short compass a tour of the Longmen cave complexes in Luoyang, and recalls their history.
Bhutan, the Last Shangri-la
They Call it Myanmar: Lifting the Curtain
Filmed over a two-year period before the 2011 elections that started the slow changes that Myanmar’s reformist government introduced, this 80-minute documentary by Robert Lieberman shows what an uphill struggle the country is going to face simply to catch up.
Thailand, Jewel of the Orient
Nourished by the Mekong River: Exploring Angkor
This episode from the series by Chinese Television’s Channel 9, looks at the great civilisation that centered around Angkor in Cambodia.
Nourished by the Mekong River: Lasting Faith
This episode of the series looks at the part faith plays along the Mekong River, and takes a look at the different traditions, ordination procedures, almsround, pagodas and palm-leaf scriptures.
Nourished by the Mekong River: Eternal Celebrations
A documentary about the religious festivals held by the peoples found along the Mekong river, featuring especially the Water Festival (Songkran) in Luang Prabhang.
Nourished by the Mekong River: Colourful River System
The first programme in a series of documentaries about the peoples, cultures and environment that are found along the Mekong river.
Safeguarding Dunhuang for China and the World
Two talks by scholars involved in the conservation of one of the largest repositories of Buddhist art in the caves at Dunhuang in China.