A look at the politics behind the succession to the Dalai Lama as spiritual leader of the Tibetan people.
Kodaiji Zen Temple, Kyoto
On the Path of the Buddha

A description of some of the main pilgrimage sites in Nepal and India, including the four main sites.
Buddhist Statues in Kyoto

A look at some of the very best Buddhist statues and paintings from the Kyoto area in Japan, and the role they play in people’s lives.
Amongst White Clouds in China

A documentary featuring meetings with contemporary Buddhist Masters living remotely in the Zhongnan mountains in China (mainly Mandarin with English subtitles).
The Overview Effect
Looking for Ancient Tibet

A journey through modern Tibet is search of the great yogis and teachers of the past and the present.
The Dalai Lama, Inner Peace and Non-Violence

A record of a talk on the subjects of the promotion of human values, religious harmony, the practice of non-violence, determination, compassion and inner disarmament by H.H. the Dalai Lama.
Path to Enlightenment, 4/4

The last of four drama films on the Life of the Buddha and his main disciples, covering the period from the ascetic practice to the Bamboo Grove (Vietnamese with English Subtitles)