Over the next couple of weeks I will be showing a series of radical films made all over the world about new ideas in building and community, and how we move away from the mess we have only recently created.
Most of the ideas are actually not so new, but are about resurrecting what really worked for thousands of years all over the globe, to replace what has not worked for the past couple of hundred years.
The series considers first the problems of being reliant on professionals and the alienation that exists in most of our contemporary ways of living and occupying the world.
After stating the problem in the first of the films, it then looks at the way people have been, and in many cases still are, living in the world, by exploring the village paradigm in Africa.
It then explores from various angles the different approaches that have started to emerge in response to the rising planetory crises, beginning with the movement in America, and the philosophy behind it.
The series is made by the Red Pharmacy, directed by David Sheen, and with great music by Ilya Yakovlev.
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