A lecture on some important issues which illustrate the unsustainable nature of growth, both in population and energy.
Earth from Above (Full Film)

A film made from Yann Arthus-Bertrand’s wonderful photographs of the earth from the air, with an ambient soundtrack.
Blue Planet

A beautiful film of images from space making an eloquent plea for a more responsible management of the earth and its resources.
America before Columbus (the Columbian Exchange)

A pair of films that look at the ecological state of the Old World and the New World before Columbus sailed to the Americas, and again what the impact was after they had made contact
Earth in 1000 Years
Uranium, is it a Country?

A film tracing the extraction of uranium, which is used in the production of nuclear energy and nuclear bombs.
Windscale, Britains Biggest Nuclear Disaster

A remarkable film tracing the people and events that led up to the first real nuclear accident in history.
Dumped Nuclear Waste in European Seas

An investigation into the continuing practice of dumping nuclear waste into the seas around the UK and Europe.
Naoto Kan: Experiences as Prime Minister during the Fukushima Nuclear Accident

A short but powerful anti-nuclear statement by the Prime Minister of Japan during the 2011 earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster at Fukushima (Japanese with English subtitles).