Last week I showed a film about traditional Japanese woodblock printing, which was used amongst other things for the printing of sutras.
This week I have a short documentary about the traditional art of Japanese carpentry, The film focuses on the work of Hisao Hanafusa, who owns the exclusive Miya Shoji shop in New York.
Although like all hand-crafted products they are only really available to the super-rich, the philosophy behind them will be of interest to all.
It was also the way Chinese Temples of the Tang Dynasty were made, and later the Japanese Temples, some of which are still standing 1,000 years later.
In all that is done, from cutting to drying to carving, even to orientation, the object is to work with the wood rather than against it, and to bring out the best qualities that that particular piece of wood has, making it unique, rather than standardised.
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In India in recent times two Famous temples known as Akshar Dham are totally constructed without any metal attachment or nails made from any metal. According to Vast Shatra (Treatise on sacred architecture) no metal should be used in construction of temples , as that helps in promoting the thought and sentiments of Ahimsa (non -violence).
Dear Raj, thanks for that interesting comment. Where are the Akshar Dham temples situated?