The story of two children from very different backgrounds who report that they can remember their past lives.
David Eckel: Buddhism 11-12 of 24
The eleventh and twelfth lectures by Prof David Eckel on Buddhism look at the various Bodhisattvas and divine beings, and the doctrine of emptiness in Mahayana Buddhism.
David Eckel: Buddhism 9-10 of 24
The ninth and tenth lectures by Prof David Eckel on the history of Buddhism look at the two main schools of Buddhism, Theravada and Mahayana.
David Eckel: Buddhism 7-8 of 24
The seventh and eighth lectures by Prof David Eckel on the history of Buddhism look at the Buddhist monastic community and Buddhist art and architecture.
Mother Sela – Artist and Buddhist Nun
A fascinating documentary following a successful Lebanese artist as she leaves behind her previous life in the States and ordains in Sri Lanka.
David Eckel: Buddhism 5-6 of 24
The fifth and sixth lectures by Prof David Eckel on the history of Buddhism looks at two important concepts in the Buddha’s teaching: that of suffering and the path to the cessation of suffering
David Eckel: Buddhism 3-4 of 24
The third and fourth lectures by Prof David Eckel on the history of Buddhism looks at the doctrine of reincarnation and then the life of the Buddha.
David Eckel: Buddhism 1-2 of 24
The first two lectures by Prof David Eckel on the history of Buddhism gives a course overview and a look at the background to the society the Buddha was born into
The Voice of the Buddha
A documentary on the revival of Tipitaka chanting in modern times and a recording of some chanting from the festival in Kandy, Sri Lanka.