A documentary featuring meetings with contemporary Buddhist Masters living remotely in the Zhongnan mountains in China (mainly Mandarin with English subtitles).
Looking for Ancient Tibet

A journey through modern Tibet is search of the great yogis and teachers of the past and the present.
The Dalai Lama, Inner Peace and Non-Violence

A record of a talk on the subjects of the promotion of human values, religious harmony, the practice of non-violence, determination, compassion and inner disarmament by H.H. the Dalai Lama.
The Monk Bodhidharma, The First Patriarch of Zen
The Buddha’s Forgotten Nuns

A 30-minute documentary talking to people on both sides of the divide in the discussion about the re-establishment of the Bhikkhuni order in the Theravada tradition.
Secret Tribes: Bhikkhunis in Thailand

A positive look at the current state of bhikkhunis in Thailand with interviews with Ven Dhammananda and other nuns.
Mystic Tibet with Lama Zopa Rinpoche

A record of a pilgrimage to Tibet by Lama Zopa Rinpoche and 50+ of his students from all round the world in or around 2006.
Cold Mountain, Chinese Poet of the Tang Dynasty

An appreciation of the Chinese Tang Dynasty era poet Han Shan (Cold Mountain) by some of his finest American translators.
Webu Sayadaw: Anthology of a Noble One

An anthology of material by and about Webu Sayadaw with rare video, photos, writings and audio recordings of the great monk.