This appears to be a compilation of documentaries about Shunry Suzuki Roshi, and the Tassahara Zen Mountain Center which he founded.
The documents have been cut together, and have chapters, but it doesn’t quite add up to a complete picture, but more like glimpses of the life and teaching of this great Japanese master.
The films do explore his early life, and how he came into the priesthood, and his decision in 1920 to leave his foundation in Japan behind, and head into the unknown in America.
He would eventually end up as one of the fundamental teachers of the new tradition on the country, and has left his mark indelibly on the spirit of American Buddhism, especially of Zen Buddhism, with the collection of his teachings in Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind.
The documentary features the resynching of his voice with what were previously silent movies of him speaking, interviews with participants at his retreats, and long term disciples, as well as looking at daily life at The Zen Retreat Center he founded at Tassahara.
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to see an album of stills click here