This is very moving film from around 2004, which follows Kalsang Dolma, a young Tibetan woman brought up in exile in Canada, as she visits her homeland and brings a very special gift to the people there.
We see her wrapping the gift up in sacred cloths at the beginning of the film, and managing to get it through customs both in Canada and in China. It is a small video player, that plays a short message of hope from the Dalai Lama to his people in Tibet.
The film gives some necessary historical background, and shows how Tibet was taken over by the Chinese and exploited for its natural resources. It also shows Kalsang showing the video to sometimes astonished Tibetans, who had never seen HH speak before, let alone in their own houses, yurts and dormitories.
Kalsang then asks them how they feel about the Dalai Lama’s message, the situation Tibet presently finds itself in, and the broader issues of the Chinese occupation and exploitation of their country.
The replies are heartbreaking: nearly everyone is in tears watching HH, and totally frustrated by their inability to effectively resist, and the damage the Chinese are doing to their land and culture.
Although the film was made in 2004, all the issues still exist, of course, except that hope must be waning, and the destruction of the culture and language have gathered speed. And still no government stands up in any meaningful was for Tibetan rights.
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