This is a film from 2008 about the position of unordained nuns in Ladakh, who are known as chomo. Their position historically has been very poor and disadvantaged, often lacking any formal education, either secular or religious, living as single women in their parents’ home and looking after their relatives’ children, while working for their living.
Recently this has begun to change and the women have started organising themselves, building nunneries and raising donations, etc. which in itself has raised their status in society. They have also managed to get support from the male monasteries, and donations from abroad, all of which will help a new generation in the future.
This film by Malgorzata Skiba looks first at the old life, and contrasts it with the life of novices and monks in the nearby monasteries, then shows how they have been working to improve their lot, often building with their own hands the roads and buildings needed. It is in many ways an inspiring story and simply told, but one can’t help wonder why their position was so poor for so long.
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