This is the first of two films about the possibility of their being other life forms in the universe and what that might mean for us as humans.
This episode looks at what conditions are needed, as far as we know them, for life to arise and then asks are those conditions present elsewhere?
The answer is that they are abundantly present throughout the universe, and not only now, but have been for millions of years before life evolved on our planet.
It also seems we are only at the beginning of evolution and the chances of life evolving elsewhere if it hasn’t already are astronomically high.
The film is very well made, with inspiring words from some well known scientists and teachers, great music and beautifully crafted visuals.
As someone in the comments noted: if science was presented like this in schools it would inspire a generation.
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to see an album of stills click here
Ancient Alien DNA and elongated Skulls found on Earth.