In 2011 devotees of H. E. Nubpa Rinpoche were fortunate enough to have the opportunity to visit Lapchi, which is now a remote part of Nepal, but formerly a part of Tibet itself.

H. E. Nubpa Rinpoche
The area is famous for the presence of many yogis over the centuries, the foremost of all being Milarepa himself, who left behind him many signs of his presence here in the caves and rocks of the region.
The pilgrimage, which was difficult indeed, started with a 5-day trek into the mountains over very difficult terrain, before arriving in Lapchi and making a Hundred Thousand Tsog Offering.
Rinpoche then guides the pilgrims, who come from many different parts: China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Russia, Latvia, Israel as well as Nepal and Tibet, round the various places associated with the great saints who lived and practiced here.
Having lived here himself on retreat for many years, Rinpoche is familiar with all the legends associated with each of the places they visit, and relates them to his followers.
We also see various monasteries and retreat houses, and meet yogis and yoginis who are on retreat in the region, keeping alive the living tradition in the country.
The recording of the event and the subsequent film was made by a Chinese crew from Taiwan and Malaysia and is narrated in Mandarin, but has English subtitles throughout, and Mandarin ones when needed.
At the end there is a very moving collections of reflections by the various participants, who talk about what the pilgrimage has meant to them, and the inspiration they received on it.
This is one of the finest films of its type I’ve come across, and is truly an inspirational journey in time and space to a place many will never have the chance to visit.
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