This episode sees the expedition crossing first the Yellow River, with its goat-skin rafts and giant waterwheels, and entering the Gobi desert along the He-xi corridor, where it visits some of the main citadels along the route.
Confucius: Words of Wisdom

A biography of Confucius that looks at the salient features of his life story, including the legendary parts also.
Thich Nhat Hanh: Mindful Movements

Recently I attended a talk by Thich Nhat Hanh, and while looking for material to post here I came across his 10 Mindful Movements, which are very similar to the practices I have developed myself.
The Silk Road Series 1/16: The Glories of Chang-an

The first episode in the series focuses on Chang-an, which in modern-day China is called Xi-an. It was formerly the capital of China and the source of the Silk Road which ran from there to Rome. In ancient times it was the largest city in the world.
Introduction to The Silk Road Series

Tomorrow I start posting the 12-part Silk Road series. I found this series about 2 years ago, and have watched it all the way through three times by now, and individual episodes at other times.
Earth from Above

Earlier this month I showed a film made by Yann Arthus-Bertrand called HOME. Today I am showing an extract from a video made of some of his stills photography taken from the air in both hot-air balloons and helicopter.
For All Mankind

For All Mankind is a documentary about the first moon-landings from 1969-1972. In that time 12 men set foot on the moon, and this film has nearly 80 minutes of footage from those trips, including much that was not released at the time.
Animated Film: The Way

Here is an animated video in the sumi-e style of painting. The film is inspired by Toaist thought and includes drawing of the Yin and Yang symbols as well as the I-ching.
HOME: The Statistics

Here I have collected together some statistics from the film HOME in a sequence which is worthwhile spending some time contemplating.