This is an unusual movie by Diego Rafecas, a Zen practitioner and filmaker from Argentina, which tells the story of two brothers who are orphaned when their parents are ‘disappeared’ during the military dictatorship of the 70s-80s.
This affects the boys in different ways, and the elder (played by the director himself) ends up teaching the history of philosophy at University, a subject he knows well, but doesn’t believe in; while the younger son struggles with ascetic practice in the city.
Things change when the younger brother goes to a Zen Retreat Centre in Cordoba to try and find a guide for his practice. Eventually his brother and their girlfriends also come, and their discussions with the Master at the centre bring about a transformation in their lives.
It is an interesting story of a spiritual search in modern times, with an unusual setting. Well-written and sensitively directed by Rafecas, it is worthwhile watching, even though the quality of the rip is low, and I am not sure all the talk about god really fits the Buddhist perspective, not even a Zen one.
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to see an album of stills click here
Dear Ven. Anandajoti
Bless for all beings.
Thank you for doing this beautiful and needed site.
The correct name of the film country is Argentina, not Argentinia.
Thank you for posting this beautiful film.
So happy and happy about this site, thank you again, from Japan.
Btw, during 1982 The UK held a war with Argentina.
Be your own lamp.
Thanks for the correction Agu.