The final two lectures by Prof David Eckel on Buddhism look at the influential Zen school and the introduction of Buddhism to America during the 20th century.
The Revival of Buddhism in China

A talk outlining the history and then examining the current status of Buddhism in China, the forms it is taking and how it can operate in a communist country.
David Eckel: Buddhism 21-22 of 24

The twenty-first and twenty-second lectures by Prof David Eckel on Buddhism look at the background to the introduction of Buddhism to Japan, and then at some of the great teachers and the schools they founded.
Dharma Master Cheng Yen

A portrait of the founder of the Taiwanese Compassion Relief (Tzu Chi) organisation and its founder Dharma Master Cheng Yen (English with Chinese subtitles).
David Eckel: Buddhism 19-20 of 24

The nineteenth and twentieth lectures by Prof David Eckel on Buddhism look at the religious background to the introduction of Buddhism into China and then at the classical period during the T’ang Dynasty.
The Buddhist Science of the Mind

A film by NatGeo explorer in residence Wade Davis on Tibetan Culture and the science of meditation in Nepal.
David Eckel: Buddhism 17-18 of 24

The seventeenth and eighteenth lectures by Prof David Eckel on Buddhism look at the various schools of the Tibetan tradition, and then focus on the institution of the Dalai Lama specifically.
Animals and the Buddha

A film by Dharma Voices for Animals on our relationships with animals from a Buddhist perspective, featuring some of the best known Buddhist activists on animal rights.
David Eckel: Buddhism 15-16 of 24

The fifteenth and sixteenth lectures by Prof David Eckel on Buddhism explores more into the Tantric tradition, the first video being on the use of the mandala, and the second on the passing of the Vajrayana to Tibet.