Acclaimed video documentary on the traditional life of the Buddha. Quite realistically portrayed, and a very positive film, even though it presents myth as history.
Longmen Grottoes (World Heritage China)

A look at another of the great cave complexes, representing the finest of classical Chinese statuary, and the part Empress Wu Zetian had in their construction (English with Mandarin subtitles).
Baraka by Ron Fricke

A very influential non-verbal film by Ron Fricke looking at Tribal and ritualised cultures and their descendants in the modern world.
Yungang Grottoes (World Heritage China)

A documentary on the Yungang Grottoes, which contain some of the earliest representatives of Buddhist art in China (English with Mandarin subtitles).
Collaboration, on the edge of a new paradigm?

A film looking at how the new digital technologies are changing the way we interact with each other.
Mogao Caves (World Heritage China)

A look at the magnificent art works in the Mogao Caves near Dunhuang, the first of the great grottoes built in China (English narration with Mandarin subtitles).
James Balog’s Chasing Ice

A documentary about James Balog and his work capturing the effects of climate change on the ice fields.
Sashimono Woodwork in Japan

A look at traditional woodwork in Japan through the eyes of the master craftsmen who still work in the trade.