A documentary about the religious festivals held by the peoples found along the Mekong river, featuring especially the Water Festival (Songkran) in Luang Prabhang.
Nourished by the Mekong River: Colourful River System

The first programme in a series of documentaries about the peoples, cultures and environment that are found along the Mekong river.
Safeguarding Dunhuang for China and the World

Two talks by scholars involved in the conservation of one of the largest repositories of Buddhist art in the caves at Dunhuang in China.
Heritage Curse?

A report on the effects that increased tourism due to gaining World Heritage status is having on SE Asian cultural sites, both living and historic, by Alea Callan.
Lost Oasis on the Silk Road, Parts 7-9

Sections seven to nine from a three-hour documentary on the Buddhist Silk Road kingdom of Kucha made by CCTV.
Lost Oasis on the Silk Road, Parts 4-6

Sections four to six from a three-hour documentary on the Buddhist Silk Road kingdom of Kucha made by CCTV.
Lost Oasis on the Silk Road, Parts 1-3

The first three sections from a three-hour documentary on the Buddhist Silk Road kingdom of Kucha made by CCTV.
The Meaning of Tibetan Mandalas

Two films on Tibetan maṇḍalas, explaining their meaning, showing their construction and animating them in 3D computer animations.
Light Darkness and Colours – Goethe’s Theory of Colours

This is a film made in 1993 by Henrik Boëtius on Goethe’s very influential book A Theory of Colours, which was originally published in 1810.