The Gardens of Kyoto
Indians 4, The Ikshvakus of Andhra Pradesh
The fourth in a series of films recounting Indian civilisations looks at the Āndhra kingdoms, which produced so much of Buddhist art.
Radioactive Waste, A Nuclear Nightmare
A look at the dangers involved in the waste materials from nuclear energy, and the ejection of dangerous materials into the sea, and on land.
The Rights of Nature, A Global Movement
This award-winning film explores a new movement to give legal rights and redress to the natural world.
In the Footsteps of Wonhyo
A journey across Korea in the footsteps of the best-loved Korean master, musing on Korean Buddhism along the way.
The Heirs of Genghis Khan
Why Has Bodhidharma Left for the East?
This is a hauntingly beautiful and deeply meditative film by Bae Yong-kyun, who spent 7 years making and editing the film, which is permeated by Buddhist themes and is built up around Zen koans and Zen-like dialogue.