A trip from one end of Laos to the other, stopping off and seeing the temples and tribal peoples along the way.
Danino 4 and 5, The Idea of India, and its Interactions with the Western World

Two lectures covering the very idea of India as a country, and its relationship with its neighbours to the rest.
Siem Reap, Cambodia (Expoza)

A visit to Siem Reap in Cambodia to see the historical sites at Angkor, and also a visit to Tonle Sap and other cultural sites.
Danino 3, Recent Findings on the Ganga-Vindhya Civilization

The third in a series of lectures on Ancient Indian history, and modern theories of the development of its civilisation.
Chiang Mai, Thailand (Expoza)

A visit to the historical capital of Lanna in NW Thailand, to learn about its cultural heritage, including its temples.
Danino 2, The Aryan Controversy

The second in a series of lectures on Ancient Indian history, and modern theories of the development of its civilisation.
Bangkok, Thailand (Expoza)

A look at the cultural side of life in the capital of Thailand, Bangkok, with special emphasis on its temples.
Danino 1, Recent Findings on Indus Sarasvati Civilization

The beginning of a series of lectures on Ancient Indian history, and modern theories of the development of its civilisation.
Yangon, Myanmar (Expoza)

A look at life in Yangon, Myanmar and the surrounding areas, including some of the wonderful temples in the area.