A record of a marvellous trip made across the length and breadth of India by a group of nuns from Zanskar.
Bhutan, Change Comes to the Happy Kingdom
The 108 Lokesvaras in Nepal
Survive (the Khmer Rouge)
Indiana Jones 16, Foreign Devils Begone

The last of five films on treasure hunters in China looks at how the rise of Chinese nationalism brought to an end the removal of China’s cultural relics.
Indiana Jones 15, The Guardians of Dunhuang

The fourth of five films on treasure hunters in China looks at the ancient site of Dunhuang and how its treasures were taken away.
Indiana Jones 14, The Silk Road

The third of five films on treasure hunters in China looks at how foreign explorers gained access to the treasures in Xinjiang.
Indiana Jones 13, The Forbidden City

The second of five films on treasure hunters in China looks at the development of the Imperial Palace into the Palace Museum.
Indiana Jones 12, The Treasures of China

The first of five films on treasure hunters in China looks at how political instability unlocked China’s antiquities for the rest of the world.