An in-depth look at the making of the Ajanta Caves, and their architecture, sculptures and paintings.
Tibet’s Hidden Kingdom

A National Geographic film telling the story of two men’s adventures in the reclusive kingdom of Tibet around the turn of the 20th century.
Cave in the Snow, the Life of Tenzin Palmo

A film about the remarkable life of the nun Tenzin Palmo, one of the most celebrated masters of the Tibetan tradition.
Anagarika Dharmapala
Sikkim (Expoza)
Xuan Zang (2016 Film)

A film covering the epic journey of the Chinese pilgrim Xuan Zang to India, and his return to China where he became one of the most successful translators of Sanskrit texts.
Danino 6, India and its Interactions with the Eastern World
Danino 4 and 5, The Idea of India, and its Interactions with the Western World

Two lectures covering the very idea of India as a country, and its relationship with its neighbours to the rest.
Danino 3, Recent Findings on the Ganga-Vindhya Civilization

The third in a series of lectures on Ancient Indian history, and modern theories of the development of its civilisation.