A non-verbal film filmed at many locations around the world, including many iconic sites in south and south-east Asia.
The Amaravati Mahacetiya

A short film looking at the Great Stupa and it’s magnificent artworks, originally built at Amaravati in Andhra Pradesh.
Art of Faith, Buddhism
The History of Buddhism

A film about the history of Buddhism from its beginnings to the present day made by the History Channel in the late 1990s.
Return to Zanskar, Himalayan Buddhist Kingdom

Two explorers return to the Himalayan Kingdom of Zanskar after thirty years, and on the verge of the Kingdom being joined to India by a new road.
Ancient India From the Indus Valley Civilisation to Mughal Imperialism
Escape over the Himalayas

A film following the plight of Tibetan refugee children as they struggle to leave their oppressive society and relocate to India.
Becoming a Woman in Zanskar

The story of two young women growing up in Zanskar who come to the age where they will leave their families: one to get married, the other to become a nun.
The Last King of Burma

A look at the lives and fates of King Thibaw, his family and their descendants up and till the present.