A set of short documentaries looking at the Ajanta Caves in India and their art works in both paintings, sculptures and reliefs.
Kings with Straw Mats

A poetic look at the yogis and sadhus attending the 1985 Kumbha Mela festival in India by Ira Cohen.
Buddhist Footprints in Maharashtra

A look at the some of the cave temples in Maharasthra, which are amongst the greatest of the Buddhist remains in India.
Cities associated with Buddha

A series of short films showing the archaeological remains of various cities associated with the Buddha, and their importance in Buddhist history.
Tathagata Buddha
Buddha, Genius of the Ancient World

A film about the life of the Buddha and the relevance of his revolutionary ideas for the modern world.
Schooling the World

A look at modern schooling and how it is serving the globalised economy and destroying ancient cultures.
Ancient Futures, Learning from Ladakh

A look at the impact of the globalised economy and western education on the traditional culture of Ladakh.
A Christian Buddha: The Medieval Tale of Barlaam and Josaphat

The first in a series of three lectures by Prof. Donald S. Lopez, in which he looks at the medieval encounters between Buddhism and Christianity, and the misunderstandings it gave rise to.