A look at the some of the cave temples in Maharasthra, which are amongst the greatest of the Buddhist remains in India.
Cities associated with Buddha
A series of short films showing the archaeological remains of various cities associated with the Buddha, and their importance in Buddhist history.
Tathagata Buddha
Buddha, Genius of the Ancient World
A film about the life of the Buddha and the relevance of his revolutionary ideas for the modern world.
Schooling the World
A look at modern schooling and how it is serving the globalised economy and destroying ancient cultures.
Ancient Futures, Learning from Ladakh
A look at the impact of the globalised economy and western education on the traditional culture of Ladakh.
A Christian Buddha: The Medieval Tale of Barlaam and Josaphat
The first in a series of three lectures by Prof. Donald S. Lopez, in which he looks at the medieval encounters between Buddhism and Christianity, and the misunderstandings it gave rise to.
The Great Pilgrim Xuanzang
A shortened version of Fo Gaung Shan’s long video biography of the great Tang Dynasty monk Xuanzang (Mandarin with English and Mandarin subtitles).
The Himalayan Boy and the TV Set
A story of how modernisation in remote parts of the country of Bhutan, and its effect on traditional life.