Tashi Jong, a Tibetan Community in Exile
Life of Kripasaran Mahashtavir
Himalaya, Heavenly Path, Changtang

A film about the life of the Changpa nomads of Ladakh and the seasonal changes their lives go through (Korean with English subtitles).
Ladakh, Capitalism reaches the Top of the World
Changpa of Ladakh
Stone Pastures of Ladakh

A film following the hard lives of nomads on the Tibetan plateau and their aspirations for their children.
Untouchable Love

Stories from Nepal of young lovers and how casteism impacts upon the lovers, their families and communities.
Bodhi Gaya, The Sacred Land of Buddhahood

A film about the site of the Buddha’s Awakening, including its history, and people who are working and teaching there at the present day.