Two programmes from this series which look at the Thai Ayutthaya Kingdom, its history and culture (English narration, some Mandarin interviews, with subtitles).
Early Buddhist Legends of Sri Lanka
An illustrated talk on the early Buddhist legends of Sri Lanka, covering the three journeys of Lord Buddha to the Island, the origin of the Sinhala peoples, and the significance of the legends.
The Background to the Buddha’s Teaching
An illustrated talk on the geographical, social, political and religious background to the Buddha’s teaching.
Buried Treasure, Mohenjo daro
A short film from 1957 in which Sir Mortimer Wheeler takes a tour of the Indus Valley civilsation, which he helped excavate.
David Eckel: Buddhism 1-2 of 24
The first two lectures by Prof David Eckel on the history of Buddhism gives a course overview and a look at the background to the society the Buddha was born into
Introduction to Buddhist Art
Three short introductory lectures on Buddhist Art, featuring the art of India, China, Japan and Thailand.
China, West meets East at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
A look at the aesthetics and history of China through the collections at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.
Marc Aurel Stein, Treasure buried in the Sands
An account of the various expeditions led by the great Hungarian explorer Aurel Stein in Central Asia, which were significant for Buddhist history (mainly English, with some subtitles).
The Silk Road Series 15/16: Legendary Ladakh
A brief visit to Kashmir, before a long look at Ladakh and its Tibetan Buddhist culture and history.