Life Beyond 1, Alien Life
The first of two films looking at the evolution of life, and whether it is likely to have evolved elsewhere.
Indiana Jones 16, Foreign Devils Begone
The last of five films on treasure hunters in China looks at how the rise of Chinese nationalism brought to an end the removal of China’s cultural relics.
The Mark of Empire 1, Ayutthaya
The first of four films on the great medieval Empires of SE Asia concerns Thailand’s Ancient Kingdom of Ayutthaya.
The Khmer Empire, Fall of the God Kings
China’s Frozen Desert
Gandhara Civilisation
A look at the remains of the Buddhist civilisations in Gandhara and an appeal for their preservation.
Journey of the Universe
A look at the evolution of the universe and consciousness and our role and responsibilities in this story.
Vietnam and Vietnamese Buddhism
A film about the culture, history and religions of Vietnam, with special emphasis on Buddhism and Thich Nhat Hanh.