A film about the environmental effects of the exploitation of the tar sands in Alberta, Canada, believed to be the largest deposit of oil in the world.
Seeds of Death, Unveiling the Lies of GMOs

Leading experts in the field discuss and exemplify the dangers inherent in genetically modiifed organisms.
Women of Fukushima

A film looking at some of the women who have become radicalised following the events at Fukushima and are now fighting for an end to nuclear power in Japan
Rwanda, Forests of Hope

This is another of the documentaries by John D. Liu showing the possibility of renewing degraded lands around the world.
The Cove – Atrocities against Dolphins

Academy Award winning film about a group of activists led by Ric O’Barry, filming the capture and slaughter of dolphins in Taiji, Japan.
Bhutan, the Last Shangri-la
Thailand, Jewel of the Orient
Nourished by the Mekong River: Exploring Angkor

This episode from the series by Chinese Television’s Channel 9, looks at the great civilisation that centered around Angkor in Cambodia.
Nourished by the Mekong River: Lasting Faith

This episode of the series looks at the part faith plays along the Mekong River, and takes a look at the different traditions, ordination procedures, almsround, pagodas and palm-leaf scriptures.