A film by Dharma Voices for Animals on our relationships with animals from a Buddhist perspective, featuring some of the best known Buddhist activists on animal rights.
The Overview Effect
Call of Life (the 6th Mass Extinction)

A film from Species Alliance on the dangers facing the planet by the mass extinction of species life due to pollution, resource exploitation and overpopulation.
Arithmetic, Population and Energy

A lecture on some important issues which illustrate the unsustainable nature of growth, both in population and energy.
Earth from Above (Full Film)

A film made from Yann Arthus-Bertrand’s wonderful photographs of the earth from the air, with an ambient soundtrack.
Blue Planet

A beautiful film of images from space making an eloquent plea for a more responsible management of the earth and its resources.
Earth in 1000 Years
Uranium, is it a Country?

A film tracing the extraction of uranium, which is used in the production of nuclear energy and nuclear bombs.