A look at the arts in ancient China, and what the influences and ideas were that surrounded them (English with some Mandarin, with subtitles).
Ajanta Caves

A set of short documentaries looking at the Ajanta Caves in India and their art works in both paintings, sculptures and reliefs.
Buddhist Laos (Folkways of Indochina)

A look at the culture of Laos and the central importance of Buddhism in its development (English narration, some Mandarin interviews with English subtitles).
Thai Kings and Temples (Folkways of Indochina)

A look at the relationship between the Thai country, King and religion (English narration, some Mandarin interviews, with subtitles).
Mogao Caves (World Heritage China)

A look at the magnificent art works in the Mogao Caves near Dunhuang, the first of the great grottoes built in China (English narration with Mandarin subtitles).
Sashimono Woodwork in Japan

A look at traditional woodwork in Japan through the eyes of the master craftsmen who still work in the trade.
Building Without Nails, the Genius of Japanese Carpentry
Hokusai Returns

A look at the traditional art of woodblock printing following the discovery of a large collection of woodblocks by the famous Japanese artist Hokusai.