Sections seven to nine from a three-hour documentary on the Buddhist Silk Road kingdom of Kucha made by CCTV.
Lost Oasis on the Silk Road, Parts 4-6

Sections four to six from a three-hour documentary on the Buddhist Silk Road kingdom of Kucha made by CCTV.
Lost Oasis on the Silk Road, Parts 1-3

The first three sections from a three-hour documentary on the Buddhist Silk Road kingdom of Kucha made by CCTV.
The Meaning of Tibetan Mandalas

Two films on Tibetan maṇḍalas, explaining their meaning, showing their construction and animating them in 3D computer animations.
Light Darkness and Colours – Goethe’s Theory of Colours

This is a film made in 1993 by Henrik Boëtius on Goethe’s very influential book A Theory of Colours, which was originally published in 1810.
Afghanistan: Hidden Treasures of the Silk Road

A talk by Fredrik Heibert at the Asian Art Museum on the Hidden Treasures of the Silk Road exhibition in the US, showing Afghani cultural artifacts.
Lost Treasures of Afghanistan

This is a 2004 National Geographic Special showing how Afgahnis have been working to save their country’s heritage collections, which were seemingly either in shreds or were lost.
Ansel Adams: American Wilderness Photographer

A sensitive documentary about the great American wilderness photographer and environmentalist, Ansel Adams.
Eternal Ancestors – Buddha’s Relics

Lecture at the Metropolitan Museum in New York about the importance of reliquaries in Buddhist culture