The sixth in a series of films about Buddhism look at the later stages of cave art in India.

A look at the ancient capital of the Silla kingdom and its many and varied artifacts.

The development of Buddhist art as seen in the Krishna River Valley which flows through Andhra Pradesh.

A short look at a Confucian shrine near Seoul in South Korea which is a memorial for the Josean Emperors.

The fourth in a series of films about Buddhism looks at the beginnings of the Buddha image.

A short look at the former capital of Mongolia and at one of its most magnificent temples.

The third in a series of films about Buddhism looks at the rock cut caves of western India.

The second in a series of films about Buddhism looks at the great stupas from Barhut and Sanchi.

A look at the life and thoughts of a young Thai meditation teacher.

The first in a series of films about Buddhism tells the traditional story of the Buddha’s life.