The first in a series of films about Guru Padmasambhava, the great teacher of Tibet.

The life and thought of a Buddhist hermit living in nature in Hawaii

A journey through the sacred landscape of Tibet by a nun seeking the secret teachings.

An illustrated talk on the great pilgrim-scholar monks in China in the 7th and 8th centuries and their influence in Japan.

An illustrated talk on the great pilgrim-scholar monks in China in the 7th and 8th centuries and their influence on the arts.

A film looking at a reincarnated lama in the Phuktal monastery in Zanskar.

A look at Tibetan Buddhism in Nepal from the early 1970s.

Another look at the daily life of a monk in the Thai tradition, with narration.

A beautiful film looking at the daily life of a young monk in NE Thailand.

A look at the daily life of young novices in this monastery in northern Thailand.