Great Minds 19, Saicho to Nichiren – Japanese Buddhism
The Mountain Yogi, Lama Govinda
Drupchen, A Visual Journey
When the Iron Bird Flies
Hannah, Buddhism’s Untold Journey

A film following the life of Hannah Nydahl, one of the founders of Diamond Way Buddhism, and her encounters with many high Lamas.
Transmission of Diamond Way Buddhism

A look at Lama Ole, the founder of Diamond Way Buddhism, a European lay organisation teaching in the lineage of Tibetan Buddhism.
Buddhism in New Zealand

A film from 2003 which looks at the establishment of Buddhism in NZ from a number of different angles.
You are Dreaming Me (Khentsye Rinpoche)

An interlocking story of three people, Khentsye Rinpoche and two of his students on their life’s journey.