Vajra Sky over Tibet

A beautifully photographed journey into Tibet in the early 2000s to discover its culture and religion.
The Precious Guru (Trailer)

A trailer of a new feature documentary looking at the teaching of Guru Padmasambhava one of the great missionaries of Buddhism to Tibet.
The Sacred Sites of the Dalai Lama

A personal pilgrimage to some of the most holy sites particularly associated with the Dalai Lamas, in Tibet.
Becoming a Woman in Zanskar

The story of two young women growing up in Zanskar who come to the age where they will leave their families: one to get married, the other to become a nun.
Milarepa, the Early Years

The early life of the great Tibetan sage Milarepa centres on his childhood and acquisition of magical powers.
The Secrets of the Mongolian Steppe

A report from 1991 on the devastating purge of Buddhism and its adherents in Mongolia during the communist period.
Guge, the Lost Kingdom of Tibet
Tulku (Masters who are Reborn in the West)

A film made by a recognised reincarnated master about the problems of integrating this Tibetan tradition when living in the West.