The first programme in a series of documentaries about the peoples, cultures and environment that are found along the Mekong river.
In the Footsteps of Great Tibetan Yogi Milarepa

A film looking at the places associated with the great Tibetan yogi Milarepa both in Tibet and Nepal. The film also tells much of the story of his life along the way.
In the Footsteps of a Yogi

A wonderful record of a pilgrimage to Lapchi in a remote part of Nepal by Nubpa Rinpoche and his disciples to visit the holy sites associated with Milarepa.
The Meaning of Tibetan Mandalas

Two films on Tibetan maṇḍalas, explaining their meaning, showing their construction and animating them in 3D computer animations.
Religious Linkages Between Bhutan and Ladakh
Tibet – A Buddhist Trilogy

A 3-part documentary about Tibetan religion that observes some of the rituals and meditative practices found in the culture.
Spirit Of Tibet – Dilgo Khyentse Rimpoche
Ocean of Wisdom – The Life of the Dalai Lama

This documentary outlining not only the life of the Dalai Lama, but also the modern history of the Tibetan people, has many interviews with His Holiness, as well as historic footage.
Kalacakra: Wheel of Time

This is Werner Herzog’s record of the 2002 Kalacakra event in Bodhgaya, and same event later in the year held in Graz, Austria. The film also includes a visit to Mt. Kailash