A film covering the epic journey of the Chinese pilgrim Xuan Zang to India, and his return to China where he became one of the most successful translators of Sanskrit texts.
Beyond the Himalayas 3, Tales of the Silk Road

The third of five films tracing an Indian expedition along the Silk Road in which they cross the Taklamakan desert and visit many of the ancient Buddhist sites along the route.
Beyond the Himalayas 2, In Search of the Buddha

The second of five films tracing an Indian expedition along the Silk Road in which they seek for the Buddhist sites along the route.
Beyond the Himalayas 1, Other Side Of The Mountain

The first of five films tracing an Indian expedition along the Silk Road from Central Asia to Tibet.
Secret Towers of the Himalayas

A trip to remote regions of Tibet to enquire into the building of large towers that dot the landscape.
Guge, the Lost Kingdom of Tibet
Saving Mes Aynak

A look at the work of a young Afghani archaeologist at Mes Aynak, one of the most important Buddhist heritage sites in the world, which is under threat of destruction.
Gandhara, the Renaissance of Buddhism

An interesting look at the great Buddhist Gandharan civilisation that flourished in the early years of the Common Era.
David Eckel: Buddhism 9-10 of 24

The ninth and tenth lectures by Prof David Eckel on the history of Buddhism look at the two main schools of Buddhism, Theravada and Mahayana.