The Glory of Dunhuang 4, The Unknown Master
The Glory of Dunhuang 3, The Mystery of Dunhaung
The Glory of Dunhuang 2, A Thousand Years Creation

The second of ten episodes about Dunhuang, looks at the development of the caves over the centuries.
The Glory of Dunhuang 1, The Adventurers

The first of ten episodes about Dunhuang, looks at the rediscovery of the caves at the turn of the 20th century.
Dunhuang’s Legendary Silk Road

A look at two features of Dunhuang usually overlooked: its fortifications and its natural rock formations.
Indiana Jones 15, The Guardians of Dunhuang

The fourth of five films on treasure hunters in China looks at the ancient site of Dunhuang and how its treasures were taken away.
Indiana Jones 14, The Silk Road

The third of five films on treasure hunters in China looks at how foreign explorers gained access to the treasures in Xinjiang.