A record of a talk on the subjects of the promotion of human values, religious harmony, the practice of non-violence, determination, compassion and inner disarmament by H.H. the Dalai Lama.
A Man of Peace, the Dalai Lama in Norway

A record of the Dalai Lama’s one week visit to Norway in 1989 in order to receive the Nobel Peace Prize.
Tibet’s Stolen Child (the Panchen Lama)
Dumped Nuclear Waste in European Seas

An investigation into the continuing practice of dumping nuclear waste into the seas around the UK and Europe.
Naoto Kan: Experiences as Prime Minister during the Fukushima Nuclear Accident

A short but powerful anti-nuclear statement by the Prime Minister of Japan during the 2011 earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster at Fukushima (Japanese with English subtitles).
Women Who Make America 3: Charting a New Course
Women Who Make America 2: Changing the World
Women Who Make America 1: Awakening
At the Edge of the World

This is a film by Dan Stone about the anti-whaling activities of the Sea Shepard Conservation Society on their voyage to the Antartic to disrupt the Japanese scientific whaling run.