Tibet – A Buddhist Trilogy

A 3-part documentary about Tibetan religion that observes some of the rituals and meditative practices found in the culture.
Spirit Of Tibet – Dilgo Khyentse Rimpoche
In Search of the Dead III: Remembered Lives

The final part of this series looks at reincarnation and assesses the evidence for past life recall.
Ocean of Wisdom – The Life of the Dalai Lama

This documentary outlining not only the life of the Dalai Lama, but also the modern history of the Tibetan people, has many interviews with His Holiness, as well as historic footage.
Kalacakra: Wheel of Time

This is Werner Herzog’s record of the 2002 Kalacakra event in Bodhgaya, and same event later in the year held in Graz, Austria. The film also includes a visit to Mt. Kailash
Buddha in Suburbia

This is a candid look at the two lives of the Lelung Rinpoche: on the one hand he is one of the most revered of the the reincarnated lamas in the Tibetan tradition, recognised by the Dalai Lama and respected and revered wherever he goes. On the other hand he is an almost unknown and…
Arnaud Desjardins: The Message of the Tibetans 2, Tantrism

The second of Arnaud Desjardin’s films about Tibetan Buddhism in which he looks more closely at the religious side of the culture, with an examination of the rites and rituals, yogic practices and meditation involved in Tantric Buddhism.
Arnaud Desjardins: The Message of the Tibetans 1, Buddhism

In 1964 and 1965 the French filmmaker Arnaud Desjardins gained access to the Tibetan community in exile, in the first filming of their life and culture allowed by the Dalai Lama since going into exile, which was compiled into two films which I will be showing over the next couple of weeks.