Amazing Sri Lanka

Three videos from Sri Lanka in the Amazing Places series covering temples and shrines in Anuradhapura, Dambulla and Sigiriya.
Footprint of the Buddha

A journey through the early form of Buddhism as practised in Sri Lanka, with Ven Ananda Maitreya as our guide.
A Christian Buddha: The Medieval Tale of Barlaam and Josaphat

The first in a series of three lectures by Prof. Donald S. Lopez, in which he looks at the medieval encounters between Buddhism and Christianity, and the misunderstandings it gave rise to.
The Sukhothai Dynasty (Folkways of Indochina)
Early Buddhist Legends of Sri Lanka

An illustrated talk on the early Buddhist legends of Sri Lanka, covering the three journeys of Lord Buddha to the Island, the origin of the Sinhala peoples, and the significance of the legends.
Mother Sela – Artist and Buddhist Nun

A fascinating documentary following a successful Lebanese artist as she leaves behind her previous life in the States and ordains in Sri Lanka.
The Voice of the Buddha

A documentary on the revival of Tipitaka chanting in modern times and a recording of some chanting from the festival in Kandy, Sri Lanka.